Friday, November 6, 2020

Love in the time of COVID

When I was in my early twenties I met the one person who would become the focus of my life, my daughter. Even before she was born, I loved her more than I ever believed was possible. Last week, on Halloween, she got married. It was a beautiful, but cold day. And thanks to the global pandemic, the wedding had to be kept small. We were able to livestream the wedding for our family and friends who were unable to attend due to these travel restrictions. 

 But there are no restrictions on how many dogs can gather together, and since my daughter and I are dedicated dog lovers, the guests were invited to bring their dogs to the wedding. They were also encouraged to wear Halloween costumes, which just made the day more fun. 

 My daughter’s collie, Sorsha, was the ring bearer. She was a very good girl, and did a great job. 

 As exciting as the wedding was, we are all eagerly anticipating what comes next. In May of 2022, my daughter is going to make me a Grandmother! Sorsha got to make the announcement on social media. 

 While we are all living through this difficult year, isolated and worried about our families and friends, it’s wonderful to have something positive to focus on…


  1. I can’t seem to add pictures, I’ll try to add the pictures tonight from my desktops computer. So please come back!

  2. Congrats to your daughter! We saw your comment on our blog. We don't blog anymore but there is a big group of Blogville people on Facebook. There's even a Blogville page.
